Alan Parker’s
Bugsy Malone (Youth Group Production)
8th - 11th November 2023
1929, Gangster warfare in New York Dandy Dan’s hoodlums are terrorising the city with their new weapon – splurge guns! Fat Sam, owner of the Grand Slam Speakeasy brings in Bugsy Malone (a smooth city slicker who is far more interested in sweet-talking Blousey Brown, a would-be singer) to help him defeat his rival. But things do not run smoothly..... In fact, they get very, VERY messy!!

Credit: Joe Higham Reportage
NODA Report
11th November 2023
Saffron Walden Musical Theatre Company
Saffron Walden Town Hall
Youth Production
DIRECTOR - Adam Bonner
CHOREOGRAPHER - Siobhan Austin-Guest
PRODUCER - Erica Redfern
Author: Decia Ranger
The high standard achieved by this group’s productions never ceases to amaze me. These young performers are indeed fortunate to be able to work under such a talented and dedicated team.
The set had been very well designed and constructed and was built on two layers. Attention to detail, including lit signage, added to the authenticity. Members of the orchestra walking across stage as well as being seen when the curtains were drawn back at the Gland Slam, was a great idea.
An excellent performance by Harry Wheeler as Bugsy. This young actor has good stage presence, and I liked his relaxed manner, especially when addressing the audience. Not always an easy thing to do.
Well done to Sam Kerrison as Fat Sam. Another very good performance from this confident young actor.
Immy Weaver was just perfect as Blousy Brown, the small town girl determined to make it big. Her solo, Ordinary Fool, was very nicely sung. Talullah is self-confident and sophisticated and I think Ella Hutchinson really captured this character. Well done to her.
There were so many good performances including Fred Savill as Dandy Dan and Jasper Bokay as Fizzy. I always feel sorry for this character, sweeping floors while dreaming of being a dancer. I liked Oscar Riley’s take on the rather gormless Knuckles and there were some great cameos by the undertakers.
The show has a large named cast and there is not room to mention them all by name in this report. Everyone though was totally immersed in their roles, staying in character throughout and all deserve to be congratulated on their contribution to the show.
It wouldn’t be Bugsy Malone without splurge guns and these were definitely some of the best I’ve seen. Plenty of foam, most of which seemed to land in the right place!
This was a very slick production. Good passable New York accents were kept up throughout. The cast carrying the stage props on and off enabled the many scene changes to be carried out smoothly and without interruption to the pace.
Dancing was excellent. I didn’t spot anyone out of step, including in the skipping scene in the boxing gym. Costumes were amazing, right down to the last details.
Lighting and sound were good and the musical accompaniment was never too loud for these young voices.
This was a lovely production and I cannot possibly sign off without mentioning The Car! Amazing!
Thank you for inviting me and for the welcome cups of tea in the interval.