Saffron Walden Town Hall
12th - 15th November 2025
Our 2025 Production Team is:
Adam Bonner – Director Erica Redfern - Producer
Paul Garner – Musical Director Siobhan Austin-Guest - Choreographer
Kerrie Scarff - Assistant Director
Being in a SWMTC Youth Group Show is incredible fun and an amazing experience, however it does require commitment from the outset. It is very important you take note of the rehearsal schedule below and understand what is involved. If you are planning to be away the Monday and Tuesday of October half term, please do not audition for the production.
We hope you will find all the information you need below. Please do get in touch if you have any further questions. There is a form at the bottom of this page, if you would like to be added to our mailing list to receive further information on the auditions. Please note, we can only accept forms completed by parents/guardians.
These will take place over the weekend of 28th & 29th June and the evening of Monday 30th June in Saffron Walden. We can only take 40 children, so everyone will need to audition. The auditions will take the form of workshops on Saturday 28th June. Boys will be called in the morning and the girls’ workshop will take place in the afternoon. Please feel free to attend whichever session is closest to your gender expression.
The auditions will take the form of workshops and the children will be singing, dancing and acting. They will be singing solo and dancing in small groups. We will send through more specific details including song extracts nearer the time.
Call Backs will take place on Sunday 29th June, between 10.00am and 4.00pm. The call backs are by invitation only. We will email everyone on Saturday evening to let them know if and when they are needed on Sunday
Call Backs for dancers will take place on the evening of Monday 30th June. Again the dancer call backs will be by invitation only and we will inform you on Saturday evening if you are called back.
All cast members must be at least 11 years old and in school year 7 in September 2025 to participate. Those in school year 13 are the oldest that can participate.
The Guys and Dolls is a full-scale musical. The whole cast will be used throughout the production and there is a huge amount to learn in a very short time frame.
Full commitment is expected throughout the rehearsal period, including the two full days in the October half term. If a certain character or group of cast members are not called on a certain day, we will let you know as soon as possible, so you can have an evening off.
Regular Weekly Rehearsals - these start on MONDAY 1ST SEPTEMBER
Mondays - Baptist Church, Saffron Walden - 7.30-9.30pm
Tuesdays - Katherine Semar Junior School, Saffron Walden - 7.00pm - 9.30pm
All cast will not be called to every rehearsal. The schedule will be confirmed over the summer.
Sunday Rehearsals – All 10.00am-4.00pm, Ashdon Village Hall.
14th September
28th September
12th October
26th October
9th November - Technical Rehearsal at the Town Hall - Compulsory
We understand that commitments sometimes come up, however this year, we have so much to cover, if you are away for a Sunday rehearsal, in all likelihood, you will not be in the scenes/numbers we cover that day. Therefore, if you work on Sundays please try and book some time off accordingly.
Half Term Rehearsals:
Monday 27th October and Tuesday 28th October: 10am - 4pm (no evening rehearsals this week)
Friday 24th October - evening - “The Get In”: This is the evening when we need to move the set/props/costumes etc from our stores on Fairycroft Road into the Town Hall. Our tech team oversees this - they are a small group of volunteers who work incredibly hard in their free time so that the children can perform. We request as much help as possible from parents/guardians and older Youth Group members for an hour or two to speed up the process. Time to be confirmed nearer the time.
Saturday 8th November - Costume Check at Town Hall. Times TBC
Sunday 9th November – Sitzprobe and Tech Rehearsal - Town Hall. ALL DAY
Monday 10th November - OFF
Tuesday 11th November – DRESS REHEARSAL - CALL TIME 6.00PM
Wednesday 12th November - PERFORMANCE - CALL TIME 6.00PM
Thursday 13th November - PERFORMANCE - CALL TIME 6.00PM
Friday 14th November - PEFORMANCE - CALL TIME 6.00PM
Sunday 16th November – “The Get-Out”: This is the day we have to vacate the Town Hall. Our volunteers work incredibly hard, but we request as much help as possible from parents/guardians to speed up the process. Even just an hour will make a massive difference to us.
SWMTC Youth Group will be providing costumes for the show. The cast members will be asked to provide their own shoes and perhaps small basic bits and pieces that can be easily sourced from home or perhaps a charity shop.
The total cost to participate in the SWMTC YG production of Guys and Dolls is £80 per child. This is broken down as £20 annual membership and £60 production fee. Payment schedule as follows:
Principal Parts: All children accepting a principal role in the production will be asked to pay £50 by 10th July 2025. This will hold the role and enable us to provide music, scripts and assistance during the summer so the participant is ready and prepared in September. The remaining £30 is due by 1st September 2025.
Other Cast Members: All other participants should ensure the full payment of £80 is paid by 1st September 2025
Our bank details are below.
Saffron Walden Musical Theatre Company
Account No. 60383060 / Sort Code: 30-97-24
We rely on a good relationship between the production team and parents. Please do not hesitate to get in touch if you require assistance. The best way to contact the team is via email. Please complete any forms promptly when requested, this saves on volunteer time chasing everything up. Please also ensure your child arrives promptly at all rehearsals. Our Child Protection Policy is available to view on this website.
The cost to be in a SWMTC Youth Group production is relatively low. This is because we have always relied on volunteers to undertake roles that other companies would pay for. We expect parents and guardians to assist us with small roles leading up to and over the show week. Helping front of house before a show, manning the bar one evening, perhaps helping with hair and make up before a show. Without this assistance we cannot continue to run. Also, if anyone has any specific skills we might be able to utilise; graphic design, photography, admin superstar, carpentry, costumes, art and design, carpentry, construction; please do get in touch!
For a child to perform in a SWMTC Youth Group Production, you as the parent / guardian agrees to:
Ensure your child attends the rehearsals from September to November. Unavoidable absences must be communicated to the Production Team on a) acceptance of a principal role or b) by 31st August for other company members. SWMTC Youth Group reserves the right to ask a child to leave the production if it is felt they will be/are missing too many rehearsals.
Understand that all cast members must attend ALL rehearsals they are called to. The half term rehearsals, technical rehearsal, dress rehearsal and all allocated performances are compulsory. This is non-negotiable, barring emergencies. Cast Members must understand that if they miss a Sunday rehearsal, they may be taken out of the scenes/numbers taught that day.
Understand that decision of the Director, Musical Director and Producer is final. No communication will be entered into regarding the allocation of parts.
Be respectful of all people involved in the organisation of the production. No abuse of any kind will be tolerated. This includes emails, voicemails and face to face encounters. SWMTC Youth Group reserves the right to ask a child to leave the production for inappropriate behaviour by a parent/guardian.
Please note, due to a clash with rehearsal dates, it is very hard to commit fully to both the SWMTC Youth Group production and some other local theatre productions, including Saffron Players Pantomime. If you wish your child to be in more than one production, you undertake to speak to both companies regarding your intentions prior to your child taking up a role.